Sometimes slow is better for painting an acrylic portrait.
Likewise, in an acrylic portrait, we often want to see quick results. But if we take our time, and just add one layer on top of another, even though it looks like hardly anything is happening, eventually, we will end up with a great painting!
I’d like to show you how to slow down a bit, take your time, and paint your acrylic portrait layer by layer, using the acrylic glazing technique.
Take the Acrylic Portrait Painting Challenge (it’s FREE!) and paint along with us!
REGISTER TODAY. The challenge is ongoing, something you can do at your own pace. It’s not too late to enter! After you join, I’ll send you the supplies list and reference photos to paint from.
Register for the Challenge!
In this master class lesson #4, I demonstrate how to continue darkening your darkest values on the face and background, and then work in some warmer glazes to set up the skin tones on her face. We’re going very light, using a large amount of matte medium (95%) to a small amount of paint (5%)
Watch how to do it here…
Learn how to paint an acrylic portrait slowly and correctly, step-by-step in this FREE master class lesson by Matt Philleo at Realistic Acrylic Portrait School!
Would like to paint this portrait with me and hundreds of other artists?
Take the 2021 Spring Portrait Painting Challenge!
You can register below and get started. It is completely FREE to join the challenge and participate. When you join, I’ll send you the “Welcome Kit” which includes:
REGISTER TODAY. The challenge is ongoing, something you can do at your own pace. It’s not too late to enter!
Register for the Challenge!Let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to teaching you more!
Questions? Suggestions? Thoughts? Let me know, below in the comments. Please share your sketches in our Facebook group and share this post with your friends!