Paint acrylic portraits glazing technique

Acrylic Portrait–Initial Color Glazes

Transitioning from your sketch in an acrylic portrait can be difficult. 

In this video tutorial, I want to show you how to set the stage for a painting with luminosity, by using light glazes.

Glazes are simply mixtures of paint and clear medium (matte medium) and usually at least 50% medium to paint ratio. By building them up slowly, you can steer the portrait in the right direction, incrementally.

You will see how color is applied to the entire painting, and it starts coming alive, even if slowly.

It’s a different way to look at painting. I’ll show you how I do it in this video, using this recent 8″ x 10″ commissioned portrait as an example…


acrylic portrait painting glazing technique

The Video Tutorial…

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial and have a blessed day,


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