We’re breaking a fine art portrait painting down into bite-size steps that YOU can do.
Specifically, in this video lesson, I demonstrate how darkening your background can really make the face stand out in a lifelike way.
What colors should we use for the shadows? I’ll show you how to mix them, what brushes to use to apply them, and HOW to do it. Get the shadows right, and 80% of the battle is won, so to speak in your portrait.
What colors for the skin tones?
In this video, you’ll learn the correct color to mix, how to create glazes with matte medium and apply it to the face smoothly.
This is still very much the beginning. More lessons to come.
Take the Acrylic Portrait Painting Challenge (it’s FREE!) and paint along with us!
REGISTER TODAY. The challenge is ongoing, something you can do at your own pace. It’s not too late to enter! After you join, I’ll send you the supplies list and reference photos to paint from.
Register for the Challenge!
Acrylic Portrait Painting Challenge Lesson #5: Sculpting Shading and Skin Tones in Your Acrylic Portrait
Would like to paint this portrait with me and hundreds of other artists?
Take the 2021 Spring Portrait Painting Challenge!
You can register below and get started. It is completely FREE to join the challenge and participate. When you join, I’ll send you the “Welcome Kit” which includes:
REGISTER TODAY. The challenge is ongoing, something you can do at your own pace. It’s not too late to enter!
Register for the Challenge!What’s coming up in the next lesson? More shading, more skin tones, and the start of some detail work. Follow the lessons and you will be able to create a portrait you can be proud of…even if you’re a complete beginner!
Let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to teaching you more!
Questions? Suggestions? Thoughts? Let me know, below in the comments. Please share your sketches in our Facebook group and share this post with your friends!