This is our FINAL lesson together.
It’s kind of sad to see the challenge drawing to a close. As I write this, it’s been an entire month since I started this challenge on April 6, 2020.
My goal was to create a way for artists to overcome the challenges of being in COVID-19 lockdown, create something beautiful with their time, and grow their skills as artists.
Many, many have risen to the challenge and done exactly that. If you’re reading this, and you’ve taken the challenge; you’ve gone through steps 1-7, I’m so proud of you! It’s not easy to paint a realistic portrait in acrylic, let alone during a quarantine. But you did it! And you’ve encouraged many others along the way.
Acrylic Portrait Painting Challenge example portrait 16 x 20 acrylic on canvas, ©2020 by Matt Philleo
Because of that, you are a better artist, and have grown in character as a human being.
Your portrait —hopefully—is nearly done. What next? How do we “bring it home”, so to speak?
Let me show you, below!
STEP ONE: Double-check the tonal values. Use my Value Checker tool for that.
STEP TWO: Double-check and add more detail to the eyes.
STEP THREE: Add vibrance to areas where certain shadows and highlights meet
STEP FOUR: Refine the shadows
STEP FIVE: Redefine the edges of your subject and objects
STEP SIX: Paint pin-point highlights on the face
When is the painting done?
Watch the video to find out…
[PORTRAIT CHALLENGE] Masterclass Lesson #8: Finishing Your Portrait Well
Is it too late to join the challenge? No, not at all. This challenge is meant to be ongoing—something you can do at your own pace. The lessons are free and they aren’t going anywhere.
If not, register below for FREE and I’ll send you:
REGISTER TODAY. It’s not too late to enter!
Register for the Challenge!
I am so happy that you have done this challenge with me and hundreds of other artists. I give you a virtual high-five for the effort and dedication you have put in.
First, I give God the glory and thanks for entrusting all of us a talent to use. Next, I thank you and the other artists for taking your time and investing it into yourself as an artist and into others’ lives to encourage them.
You’ve left great comments for each other and your building skills to be able to paint a portrait you can take pleasure in and others can too.
This is what art is about. It transcends a piece of cotton canvas stretched on a wood frame, with plastic polymer resin on it. In the hands of a skilled painter, it becomes something beautiful that can last forever.
When we touch lives, bring hope and encouragement both in the creation and in the giving or selling of the art, we are doing something that has the potential to last for eternity!
So what we all have done in this group, by God’s grace, is amazing. And I believe it is just the start! 🙂
If you would like to work with me more closely, so I can personally help you become the portrait artist you’d like to be, be sure to watch my invitation at the end of the video. Whatever you decide, thank you so much for taking part in this challenge and may God richly bless your talent, and multiply it many times over!
Yours for Better Portraits,
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Let me know if you have any questions about the challenge that I didn’t answer. Leave your question in the comments below and I’ll get back to you!