In our last two lessons, I showed you how to cover your entire canvas with a series of three glazes covering the entire surface of the canvas as one layer.
Now, with this lesson, I’ll show you how to continue the process of adding layers on top of layers. We want to “rotate,” going back to the first glaze we did, and go on top of it with another glaze. And then to the next, and so on. Remember volleyball? It’s kind of like that. Every person gets a turn.
Volleyball rotation like rotating glaze layers in your acrylic portrait
Here in the portrait using the acrylic glazing technique, every part of the picture gets a turn, having another glaze added to it. (There are some times when we break this rule, and I’ll show you that in the video lesson)
Here is where I’m at in the portrait, prior to this video lesson, after the work I did on Lesson #4.
Acrylic portrait painting challenge example in progress using the acrylic glazing technique, 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas by artist and instructor Matt Philleo
Since we already have locked in the major differences in the color scheme and tonal value very simply, now we want to add more complexity to the painting.
We will be adding:
We will do this using the acrylic glazing technique, where we mix a TINY amount of acrylic paint into a LARGE amount of clear acrylic matte medium. It’s best to go very, very light when you start your painting. You should just barely see a difference.
Also, make sure you rinse your brush off thoroughly between glazes. Any extra water in the heel of the brush may cause your glazes to drip or get streaky.
You will repeat this process another time, with some variations.
Ready to paint?
Now, before you begin (yes, I have to ask you again, just in case 🙂 )…
Are you registered for the challenge?
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REGISTER TODAY. The challenge is ongoing, something you can do at your own pace. It’s not too late to enter!
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Watch my in-depth Masterclass acrylic online tutorial below to see these steps in action.
After learning from this video, you’ll know exactly how to do it.
Make sure to watch the ENTIRE video first before diving into the painting. It will be worth it to do that. Then, I’d like you to go back and refer to whatever steps you need to as you paint. That way, you won’t miss any of the instruction and tips that will help you make this portrait your very best.
Here’s the video…
[PORTRAIT CHALLENGE] Masterclass Lesson #5: Building up Depth With Glazes
Excellent job staying with me and the other artists for this challenging portrait! The acrylic glazing technique takes some getting used to, but once you really “get it” you will be able to paint with a freedom, confidence, and sense of realism that will keep you encouraged to keep on painting more and more.
In our next class, I’ll show you how to add more glazes and build up the skin tones. It’s something so many artists aspire to: create those lifelike skin tones that just look real. And now with a good foundation in place, we can do it!
I’ll see you in our next class! Until then be blessed in your painting and you and your family stay safe and healthy.
Yours for Better Portraits,
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