Painting two bubble frame oval acrylic portraits offers a unique opportunity to explore creativity and technique while crafting eye-catching artwork. In this guide, you’ll discover the essential steps to create stunning portraits that showcase not only your artistic skills but also the charming oval frames that elevate your paintings. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, you’ll learn how to blend colors effectively, capture realistic features, and compose your portraits for maximum impact. Let’s dive into the world of acrylic painting and bring your two bubble frame oval acrylic portraits to life!
How is my portrait project coming along?
“Um, I haven’t even started it yet.”
“Oh. Could you do another one and get it done for me by Christmas?”
“Let me check. Sure.”
This is kind of how the conversation went when a client called me on a portrait project that I had scheduled out for a few months. I was backed up with commissions, and it was already well into December.
Do another portrait when I was already behind? Why not? I thrive on a little deadline pressure. I’ve got an extra reserve of midnight oil
So here are the portraits I created, two convex-oval 14″ x 20″ acrylic on canvas paintings. I decided to work on both at once. And I got them both done in time, too, by God’s grace!
And now I want to show you how I painted them. I’ll take you through the process from the colors I select for the palette, the first few layers, all the way to the completed painting.
This tutorial is a work in progress, so I’ll be adding more videos in the future!
Keep in touch and I’ll let you know when I post the next one!
Let me know how this tutorial helps!
Have you ever painted on an oval canvas or unusual surface before? If so, leave a comment and tell me about it. Have a blessed day!
Yours for better portraits,
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