Finishing and Signing Moses, Aaron, and Hur 30 x 40 Amalekite Battle Painting

Finishing and Signing Moses, Aaron, and Hur 30 x 40 Amalekite Battle Painting

How do you finish you acrylic painting? 

After the ancient Israelites left their bondage in Egypt, the Amalekites came out to attack them. During the battle, as long as Moses held his staff up, they did well. (His staff was a symbol of his connection with God.) But when his arms grew weak, and he couldn’t hold up the staff anymore, the Israelites started to get beaten. (Recorded in Exodus 17) So Aaron and Hur, his companions, decided to have Moses sit on a rock and then hold up his arms.

With that Israel prevailed in the battle! In the same way, we draw strength from the Lord as we pray and keep our connection close to Him. Sometimes, however, we grow weary. And that’s why we need friends to help us! God also gives us strength to fight another day, with the prayers, encouragement, and help of those around us. We may not be fighting on a battlefield, but we do have many challenges in our lives, don’t we?

In those challenges, God will strengthen us, as we draw close to Him and the friends He gives us. And we can be friends to others too! In this video, you can watch the final nuances and the signing process. Thank you so much for your encouragement as I worked on this painting for so long!


Read more about how to paint a portrait that you can surely be proud of!


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Thank you so much for taking the time to read this tutorial and watch the video. That means a lot to me.  I hope you find it very helpful in your portrait painting.  

Yours for Better Portraits,


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