- Step 1: Upload your painting(s) below. Your painting will be reviewed, and if selected, displayed on the gallery page.
- Step 2: Upload a picture of yourself. A photo of you holding a portrait, if possible, would be best. This helps to show the size of your portrait and will make the picture a lot more interactive to look at!
- Step 3: Share your contact info if you'd like, and anything else about your experience with my classes and teaching.
NOTE: By submitting your artwork into the student gallery, you agree to hold Realistic Acrylic Portrait School/ Fine Art by Matt Philleo LLC as not responsible for any images that may be illegally downloaded/copied/misused. If you have concerns about this, please make sure your artwork is watermarked or otherwise protected.
Thank you so much for entering your artwork and sharing your thoughts and experience with Realistic Acrylic Portrait School!
